
enum string[] basicIDL;
A list of basic type of IDL usable in this package
bool isPrimitive(string typename);
Judge if typename is primitive or not
string typename Typename text
Returns: is primitive or not
struct Type;
Type representation of IDL
string fullname;
Fullname of the type
  • std_msgs::msg::Header for nested type
  • `string`` for string type
  • int32 for primitive type (see basicIDL for full list)
bool isArray;
Is array or not
int size;
Size of fixed array (if isArray). 0 means this is a dynamic array.
const @property Kind kind();
Returns: Type kind of the type by seeing fullname text
const @property string namespace();
Returns: Namespace of the type (e.g. std_msgs::msg::Header -> std_msgs::msg)
const @property string shortName();
Returns: Short name of the type (e.g. std_msgs::msg::Header -> Header)
const @property bool isNamespaced();
Returns: Type name having namespace
const @property Type asPlain();
Returns: Non array version of the type
struct Member;
Member representation of IDL
Type type;
Type of the member
string field;
Field name of the member
Nullable!string defaultText;
Default value as a string (optional)
Nullable!string comment;
this(typeof(this.tupleof) args);
this(Type type, string field, string defaultText, string comment);
this(Type type, string field, string defaultText);
this(Type type, string field, Nullable!string defaultText, string comment);
this(Type type, string field);
Comment text (optional)
struct Constant;
Constant value representation of IDL
Type type;
Type of the field
string field;
Field name
string valueString;
Value as a string
struct Structure;
Struct representation of IDL
string fullname;
Full name of the struct
Member[] members;
A list of members
Constant[] constants;
A list of constants
Nullable!string comment;
Comment text (optional)
const @property string shortName();
Returns: Short name of the struct (e.g. std_msgs::msg::Header -> Header)
const @property string namespace();
Returns: Namespace of the struct (e.g. std_msgs::msg::Header -> std_msgs::msg)
struct MessageModule;
Message (.msg) representation of ROSIDL
string fullname;
Fullname of the module
Type[] depends;
A list of dependent types
Structure[] messages;
A list of messages in the module
const @property string[] uniqueDependModules();
Returns: A list of dependent modules